Jumat, 03 Mei 2013


As a heterogen country, obviously there will be many social problems faced in Indonesia. Social problem is a condition where there is/are unfullfilled needs equally.

What factor causes social problems? There are many factors that cause social problems, here they are:
1.    1.   Economy
     This problem usually appeared because of nation’s fault, commonly poverty, unemployment etc. Government is the one who has the responsibility in this problem. It has ever happened in Indonesia in 1997-1998 when the monetary crisis was being faced in South East Asia.  

2.      2. Culture
The differentiations of culture in Indonesia also cause several problems, for instance, Luxurious marriage ceremony, divorcement, juvenile delinquencies, etc. The problem solving in this problem must be very careful in order to not create any resistance between people in a society.

Then, what are social problems being faced in Indonesia?
1.    1.   Poverty
Even though the economic condition in Indonesia shows a good improvement, there are still many people who live under decent level. It becomes a social problem that we can find easily in the town or countryside.
Our government has done many programs to wipe out poverty from Indonesia, such as PNPM Mandiri, Job Training, and BLT. But all of them are not enough to solve this problem. There are many people who live in poverty as a habit so they never think to increase their level in life.
2.     2.  Education
It is such an old story. From the collapse schools building until drop out students are the problem that our country faced for a long time. What causes this problem?
-          Difficult access to school
-          Poor infrastructure
-          Poor qualified teacher
-          Bad salary
-          Irrelevant curriculum with daily life
-          etc.
3.      3. Unemployment
Unemployment happened if the amounts of job seeker are higher than job vacancy. The percentage of unemployment in Indonesia is 8.12 % or 7.61 million people. 

1 komentar:

    Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya yang kami ucapkan kepada mbah warjoh yang telah memberikan keberhasilan dan keberuntungan bagi keluarga saya.berkat bantuan beliau saya sekarang sudah hidup tenang karena suamiku sudah punya usaha tambak yang luasnya sekitar 5 hektar kurang lebih. begitupun juga saya dirumah buka warung sembakau dan sekarang pun saya sekeluarga tidak di kejar-kejar hutang lagi. mulanya keluarga Kami di berikan angka gaib hasil ritual dari mbah warjoh yang sangat Jitu 100% dijamin tembus.sehingga keluarga saya sekarang merasa tenang lagi.sekali lagi terima kasih mbah jasamu dikeluarga saya tidak akan terlupakan.Jika anda butuh angka gaib hasil ritual mbah warjoh silahkan Tanyakan aja Pada mbah dinomer hp beliau di: 0851 4534 4218 Terima kasih.
